
ARTFUL CASH is a decentralized future cash flow.


CASH is deployed on Optimism, Base, and Unichain.

Once the Superchain upgrade is live, users will be able to bridge CASH across all OP Stack chains.


  • CASH doubles every 2222 days.
    • CASH doubles automatically but you must pay gas to claim interest.
    • The formula for interest accrual: principal * days_held / 2222
  • CASH pays out every 111 days.
    • Claiming more frequently than every 111 days results in a penalty.
    • The short-term penalty starts at 100% of available interest and drops to 0% over 111 days.
    • The penalty period begins when you receive CASH and resets when you claim.
  • Calling claim mints your available interest and resets the penalty.


  1. Best Strategy – Claim interest once per year to maximize compounding.
  2. Good Strategy – Hold for more than a year before claiming.
  3. Bad Strategy – Claiming too often reduces earnings due to the short-term penalty.

Supply & Liquidity

  • CASH is available across the Superchain on Base, Unichain, and Optimism.
  • CASH liquidity is available on Uniswap on Unichain.
  • CASH is minted at a rate of 1 ETH ⇒ ~3333.3333 CASH.


CASH is a self-doubling asset. Users can maximize rewards by claiming strategically, trade freely on major chains, and securely bridge across OP Stack networks in the future.


Cash Contract

Handles interest accrual and claiming.

  • currentInterest(address account) – Calculates accrued interest.
  • calculatePenalty(uint256 amount, uint256 duration) – Determines short-term penalty.
  • claim(address to) – Claims and mints interest.
  • mint(address to) – Mints CASH when ETH is sent.
  • burn(uint256 amount) – Burns CASH.
  • _save(address account) – Saves interest before balance changes.
  • _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 value) – Transfers tokens while preserving interest.
  • DOUBLE_DAYS – Days required for CASH to double.
  • CLAIM_EVERY_DAYS – Minimum days before claiming without penalty.
  • totalSupply – The total amount of CASH in circulation.
  • balances – Tracks user balances including unclaimed interest.

Money Contract

Unifies CASH and ERC20. Adds token mechanics.

  • rename(string newName, string newSymbol) – Allows renaming of the token.
  • exercise(address to, uint256 amount) – ~33% of the total supply is reserved.
  • setReserve(address newReserve) – Changes the reserve address.
  • name – Currently ARTFUL CASH.
  • symbol – Currently CASH.
  • reserve – The reserve address.
  • option – Amount the reserve has exercised.

OP Contract

Implements security, pausing, and ether transactions.

  • receive() / fallback() – Allows the contract to receive ether.
  • send(address to, uint256 amount) – Only the owner can send contract ether.
  • pause() / unpause() – The owner can pause supply issuance through mint.
  • owner – The address with administrative control over the contract.
  • paused – Boolean flag indicating if minting is paused.
  • contractBalance – Tracks the total ether held by the contract.


Where is CASH avaliable?

Cash is an ERC20 on Optimism, Base, and Unichain.

When can I bridge my CASH?

Bridging will be possible once the Superchain is avaliable.

How do I get CASH?

You can get CASH from the dashboard or buy it on a decentralized exchange.

How do I start earning interest?

Simply hold CASH in your wallet to earn interest automatically, without gas fees.

What is the annual yield?

CASH doubles every 2222 days. The annual yield will depend on how often you claim.

Why is my wallet balance not changing?

Your balance updates only when you claim your interest.

How often should I claim interest?

Claim your interest every 111 days to avoid the short-term holder penalty.

  • On the first day the penalty is 100% of your earned interest.
  • The short-term penalty gradually decreases to 0% over 111 days.
  • The penalty starts when you first receive CASH and restarts every time you claim.

Is there a penalty for not claiming interest?

No. Once the short-term penalty is over, you earn interest at the maximum rate.

How do I earn compound interest?

Claim your interest every 111 days to earn interest on your interest.

Why is the default transfer logic changed?

Transfers are modified so that sending CASH to another wallet does not impact your long-term earnings.

Where can I read the contracts?

OP Sepolia0xb4Ae598AEbCDa8DCceC8699E426f829E409f280fBlockscout
Base Sepolia0x6d21B23889228c108556bE3F8eb1FF05289Cd5cbBasescan
Unichain Sepolia0x8ae552c3C233a3ad473D9056C433B3fFAeC0b9eaUniscan

Great Work

Do not expect future work and do not expect returns.

Please read the contracts before making transactions.

We are not responsible for the loss of funds.

© 2025